Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

sukses hidup panduan

Success can be achieved if we do what is commanded by God. Like the following:

* The more advanced business and project for you, the big charity wealth. Pay the zakat wealth regularly, and do not doubt, would you want that success will snowball!

* Heaven will be I have "If I invest time, energy, wealth and knowledge you have, to get a special Firdaus is the highest heaven"

* Three important things to achieve success in the world and the Hereafter: Faith in God, seeking His help in each steps, and believe in the power of Him.

* Beramalah although only slightly, because what you shadaqahkan that will be stored in a special bank!

* When the person you love dies, so stop crying and lament, and ask yourself: "What have I prepared on this day for the death of yourself?"

* Islam is the only religion in the world to unite all the races and the shade embraces other religions under the benderanya, so that they can live with the full freedom, security, and ketentraman. ISLAM IS TRUE THE RELIGIOUS . This is a beautiful gift you can give to one of your neighbors.

* When you are sick or experiencing a crisis, they believe that it will not be long. He is a test from God. Therefore, many-banyaklah ask forgiveness of Him, and use the time you have to design your life, the life of your children, and people living around you,

Guide on the part of all is just a guide that is .........

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